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Writer's pictureKevin Yu

The 1st IEEE International Summer School on E-CARGO and Applications (Online)

July 17-21, 2023


  • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society


  • Technical Committee of Distributed Intelligent Systems


  • Technical Committee of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work in Design

  • Guangdong Chapter

  • Nipissing University, Canada


  • Jinling Institute of Technology, China



The Environments-Classes, Agents, Roles, Groups, and Objects (E-CARGO) model is an abstract model for complex systems. It has been successfully applied in different applications. It has numerous potentials to promote investigations into academic and industry problems. It fits the SMCS requirements of initiatives. Role Based Collaboration (RBC) and its E-CARGO model have been developed into a powerful tool for investigating collaboration and complex systems. Related research has brought and will bring in exciting improvements to the development, evaluation, and management of systems including collaboration, services, clouds, productions, and administration systems. E-CARGO assists scientists and engineering in formalizing abstract problems, which originally are taken as complex problems, and finally points out solutions to such problems including programming. The E-CARGO model possesses all the preferred properties of a computational model. It has been verified by formalizing and solving significant problems in collaboration and complex systems, e.g., Group Role Assignment (GRA). With the help of E-CARGO, the methodology of RBC can be applied to solve various real-world problems. E-CARGO itself can be extended to formalize abstract problems as innovative investigations in research. On the other hand, the details of each E-CARGO component are still open for renovations for specific fields to make the model easily applied. For example, in programming, we need to specify the primitive elements for each component of E-CARGO. When these primitive elements are well-specified, a new type of modeling or programming language can be developed and applied to solve general problems with software design and implementations. This summer school will extend the applications of E-CARGO and RBC, which promote problem solving for complex systems that are considered in SMCS, such as Cybernetics, Systems Engineering, Human-Machine Systems, and Computational Social Systems.




Organization Committee

Instructors’ Short Bio

Panelists’ Short Bios

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