Computational social simulation using E-CARGO is a method that uses E-CARGO to model and simulate social systems, such as groups, organizations, and societies. By assigning social meanings to the symbols and structures of E-CARGO, such as agents, roles, and groups, researchers can create a computational model of a social system. This model can then be used to run simulations that can reveal many interesting social phenomena that traditional experiments cannot discover. For example, by simulating different group role assignments, researchers can study how different assignments impact group performance, and how different contributions and gains are for individual agents and roles. The GRA+ and GRA++ methods can be used to investigate and solve industrial problems. GRABC helps balance the budget and team performance, and GMEO avoids critical members in a team by using the most economical and redundant assignment.
Overall, the use of E-CARGO in computational social simulation allows for the formalization and analysis of complex social systems in a precise and automated manner, providing insights that can be useful for understanding and improving collaboration and decision-making in such systems.